Thursday, December 29, 2011
T - 5 days!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Whoa, I can't believe we're going to start this
We then sent individual emails to each of the 42 students. It was absolutely thrilling to see that only 2 of what we thought were the original 44 had actually disappeared on us! (I'm thinking this is a small number).
I awoke in the night this week, FREAKING OUT over the level of details that we need to manage in order to prevent an absolute train wreck for the spring courses.
This is how I know that the universe is helping us: There is miraculously no scheduling conflict between the SUSTAIN block of courses and three additional courses that are needed for students to progress.
I would really be crazy if I were not scared about this whole experiment, but it seems that we are now in the right place at the right time... onward.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Refection Nazi
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Are we a quilombo?
(from Ch. 9: Forest Fugitives, pp. 329-330)
Christian de Jesus Santana could see the secret city from his window. Known as Calabar, it was at the edge of Salvador da Bahia, in northeast Brazil, on the inland side of a ridge, invisible from Calabar, was the great Bay of All Saints, the second-biggest slave harbor in the world, the first glimpse of the Americas for more than 1.5million captive Africans. The slaves were supposed to spend the rest of their days in Brazil’s sugar plantations and mills. Most did, but countless thousands escaped their bondage, and many of these established fugitive communities – quilombos, as Brazilians called them – in the nation’s forests. Almost always they were joined by Indians, who were also targeted by European slavers. Protected by steep terrain, thickly packed trees, treacherous rivers, and lethal booby traps, these illicit hybrid settlements endured for decades, even centuries. The great majority were small, but some grew to amazing size.
In Liberdade I met a local historian who told me the city actually originated … when slaves had escaped from Salvador down a native path in the forest. The Bay of All Saints is bordered by high, forested bluffs; escapees climbed the bluffs and took over land on the other side, creating a ring of encampments between the colonial port and the indigenous interior. Sometimes their homes were just a few hundred yards away from European farms as the crow flies, but the forest and hills were impenetrable enough to conceal their location. The Portuguese constantly hunted the runaways, but they also traded with them—Calabar’s residents, four miles from the center of Salvador, exchanged dried fish, manioc (cassava), rice, and palm oil for knives, guns, and cloth. In 1888 Brazil finally abolished slavery, yet life in its quilombos showed little improvement. They were still regarded as illegal squatters’ settlements. But the government was too weak to do much about them.
In the 1950s and 1960s Salvador grew enormously. Urban pseudopods reached over the ridges, engulfing Calabar, Liberdade, and half a dozen other quilombos. But these fugitive settlements never fully became part of the city—nobody had legal title to the land. Few roads entered Calabar. Sewer lines were routed around its borders. People had to steal electric power with jury-rigged hookups. By 1985, when Christian was born, the former hideaway was completely surrounded by high-rise apartments.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
E-portfolio papers
I also have a copy of Ruth Rominger's 25 minute presentation on e-portfolios. Ruth's presentation focuses on the function that e-portfolios serve in a learning environment. I attempted to post that as well, however, the file is too large. I will burn a copy and put it in the SUSTAIN office. (Probably won't be there before finals week.) If interested, you may view it. Ruth is known nationally (if not worldwide) for her work in open source education and e-portfolios. - using Mahara
SUNY Stony Brook -- see example given by Jeff Yan to Molecular Biophotonics Lab
More about SUNY Stony Brook's ePortfolio initiative:
Virginia Tech ePortfolios:
Salt Lake Community College's ePortfolio program
Chen, H.L., & Black, T.C. (2010). Using e-portfolios to support an undergraduate learning career: An experiment with academic advising . Educause Quarterly Magazine, 33(4). Available for download from:
Chen, H.L., Williams, R., & Thomas, B. (2011). Piloting ePortfolios to support assessment FOR learning . Poster presented at the 2011 Assessment and Evaluation Poster Fair, Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Available at:
Florida State's Career ePortfolio
And the ePortfolio community of practice I co-facilitate is called EPAC and is a listserv that is free to join --
join listserv here:
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Time and our relationship with it
The email that I was thinking about came last month. I had updated him on the status of sustain, asking if he wanted to help. The first line of his email went something like, "I am so stoked that sustain is happening . . ." In that moment, I reflected on us two years ago. Sustain, in its form, at that time, had much work to be done. For me, I simply wanted it to start. In hindsight, sustain had a form lacking lines of clarity around what it might look like. Too many questions were unanswerable. Too much vagueness, except for a simple desire for it to happen for the students and for me (yes, I will label that selfish).
Reflecting on what has happened over that time, I realize how unready I was for sustain to begin last year. I recognize the commitment that faculty have made to add clarity to the project. I am grateful that answers to questions don't simply sound like an answer with a question intonation. I am thoughtful about the vagueness we must talk through so that the first two weeks and the last two weeks have a richness and a fullness and a rigor that I desire from sustain for myself and the students and the other faculty members. In these last few quarters, I have taken small risks in the classroom to test out ideas that might work for sustain. Prior to that, I wasn't willing to "give up" my lecture time for fear of the student not learning the material.
In reflection, I am thankful about the time given to me to try something new with my students. I don't know how I would feel if I tried out new teaching/learning modalities with sustain students without receiving feedback first. My fear would be that I caused a calamity or learning failure. That makes me feel incompetent.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Friday's design time
Thursday, November 10, 2011
how it feels right now to "hold it"
Thursday, November 3, 2011
The Problem with Hysteresis
Linda and I recently were allowed to give a brief presentation and take questions regarding SUSTAIN SLO to a group of faculty in a Cal Poly department that had initial reservations about our contacting students to attend information sessions regarding SUSTAIN. [We encountered the usual problem of many faculty/administration confusing our request to contact students with a request for approval of SUSTAIN.] The faculty were respectful to us and had some good (if the usual) questions. Linda was transparent and respectful -- as a person who is maybe a little too astute politically, I have an initial worry about admitting to others about the possibility of failure but I am slowly being healed of this.
After leaving the meeting, I followed up with an email to a friend in the department asking if we had covered the bases and if there was any additional information that was needed. Prior to receiving an answer form the friend, I got the email saying that the department would withhold its imprimatur for a year to see if SUSTAIN was successful. Later, I got a phone call from the friend saying that part of the discussion after Linda and I left focused on the our personalities and "history" at Cal Poly. I was characterized as always wanting to go off and do my own thing (not being a team player) and Linda was described as not really caring about GE, that as an engineer all she wanted to do was to get engineers out of the usual GE classes. The friend was a bit dispirited because the department was becoming a group of naysayers.
I learned about the term hysteresis in grad school and it revolved around the idea of a backward rigidity after an event. The application is often around labor hiring after a recession. After so many cutbacks, even when things improve in general, hiring does not bounce back to previous levels. My sense is that the hysteresis here is that part of our current state with SUSTAIN -- that portion over which we have so little control -- is tethered to these ideas about the individuals involved and our (perceived) history that has little to do with the particulars of the current initiative.
It seems as though the path to success is to have been invisible in the past -- but then being invisible could open someone up to not having sufficient experience. This "no win"-"no win" situation is just another issue to deal with.
I'm drawn to my peers
i realize that i occur to them like their parents. hmm. we really do need the students if this is to happen.
Monday, October 31, 2011
the pain, the pain...
After Roger's workshop, I found myself faced with the fact that all my complaining about other people who are "getting in our way" was really a more sophisticated form of me doing the same thing to them that I am accusing them of.
What upset me about the physics advisor is that she didn't take the time to understand what was going on...that she didn't inquire into it, but had a knee-jerk reaction to the thing she didn't understand. Of course, I did the same to her...had a knee-jerk reaction to her knee-jerk reaction. So I approached her with what I wished for from inquiry, "what are you seeing that we are not seeing?" It turned out that she totally misunderstood what the initiative was all about and was advising people from that place of misunderstanding.
Then today, I went an offered an apology to the advisor woman who left an angry, swearing voice mail on my machine. I realized I was criticizing her for being impatient, just as I was impatient with her impatience. I apologized and she was perfectly nice. She gave me some advice as to how to approach the CLA students.
It turns out that they save their science courses for last because they believe they are difficult and find that they lack meaning. students feel nearly the same way about their general education courses in the liberal arts. So she advised me to market it as a way to do more applied work in the sciences (which are the general ed to the liberal arts students). Funny...that is what engineering students want...a more applied and relevant liberal arts experience.
the pain is about the dissolution of my own ego. it doesn't really hurt, it's just humbling.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Some Ideas--No Theme.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Waiting on the applications
We now have 22, with three additional that were submitted on line, but no paper versions in hand.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
what the provost said
in the second meeting, he told us that we (the SUSTAIN initiative) have already had an effect on the campus, whether we knew it or not. the dean's have unanimously agreed that there must be pot of money reserved for learning innovations on campus. so starting in the fall, there will be $5M reserved for innovations in learning.
i am watching my cynacism around this...that they agreed to do so because they were thinking of their own pet projects, that we will not have any access to that "relief funding" shall we say, since people will view us as rich already, that we have been useful (provost's words, "i used you as an example of how difficult it is to do this in the system and convince them that we needed to set funds aside to do these sorts of things.").
i am noticing what it is like to have worked all this time, for the sake of the journey, only for those behind us to benefit, for us to be excluded from the promise land, so to speak. interesting. i am not happy with seeing my self pity.
letting go
today was allegedly our application blitz. we have about 4 completed applications on-line (about 30 people attempting to do them), about 16 in hand, some that are probably duplicates of the ones on line.
we've had all kinds of students (probably now a few hundred) express significant interest.
all of us have bets riding on how many applications we will have by 5 PM tomorrow night. roger and i talked about what we would do if we didn't have enough student interest. we can't really do it unless we have about 75 students.
i'm feeling like it was my horrible mistep in creating the on-line process that has possibly killed our chance to launch the iniatitive this year.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Borrowing hope
every one's an expert
what we didn't know when we began this rather simple (but complex) experiment in learning is that we would have to change the entire university system to do it.
what we are finding is that when we take a step in the existing system to do something like schedule a class or reserve a room, people mistakenly believe we have invited to sit in judgment over our entire initiative from their place of superficial understanding. it is quite interesting how consistent the pattern is...from department chairs to academic advisors to deans of graduate research, to colleagues who have no intention of getting involved with is remarkable.
this is not universal. many people are actually intrigued and want to know more. in fact, it is probably more the norm that people are interested. it is just that now we are in the thick of managing the various pockets of resistance.
Marketing & Branding
First of all, as a "self-hating" business instructor (which is to say that my impression of some of the topics in my discipline are not ones that I would necessarily like or embrace), my initial reaction to the suggestion of doing a better job of branding and marketing SUSTAIN outside of Cal Poly was a little negative. Like many others, my sense of branding and marketing is one of "selling" what is unnecessary to others. I come to that sense because of what I see on TV, newspapers and other media -- a veritable tsunami of effort to sell us crap. So, what overwhelms me is the amount of "bad" marketing/branding that I face rather than the fundamental idea of marketing and branding -- which is to convey information in a way that allows people to grasp ideas in an efficient and, often, an emotional way. This is really quite hard to do (hence the amount of "bad" marketing/branding that we witness every day) but this is something that we are struggling with on campus. We are not undertaking improper marketing approaches but we are realizing that doing a "good" job in marketing is pretty damn hard -- especially given our ethic of not imposing out models on others.
As we move ahead with recruitment, we continue to look for that emotional hook for the students. But we also need to find that same emotional hook with faculty and staff since younger students will still seek out their advice. Over the past week I have been trying to find that emotional "hook" for students and faculty in the College of Agriculture (CAFES). There is a lot of underlying information about SUSTAIN that is available that we feel is necessary to inform students and faculty about SUSTAIN. Yet we still run into the difficulty (like all good marketers) of the short attention span of everyone (including us) not to mention the difficulty in managing the common disconnects between espoused models and actual behaviors. In my brief (but intensive) marketing spurt of emailing faculty in CAFES, I tried to focus on SUSTAIN as an extension of the college's history with "learn by doing". LBD is the mantra for all of Cal Poly but in CAFES there is a sense that we helped create it (with the creation of Cal Poly) and that we remain "true" to it in a fundamental sense. This can be seen in how students in CAFES embrace it (and wish they could get rid of all classes and just do LBD). I think that this common ground of LBD -- discussed in a way that doesn't criticize current LBD but which does offer SUSTAIN as a new option in Cal Poly's arsenal (Neal, why all the war rhetoric?) of LBD. I am still trying to figure this out (this is something I have been doing my whole career at CP -- how do I talk about something that is personally important to me but which so many in my college can find "bad" and threatening?) but I have to accept that a good marketing/branding approach (once we figure it out) will make our lives easier. Not because we don't have to think about stuff but because it will get people to ask questions faster and establish a commitment to SUSTAIN that much faster.
I hope this hasn't been too off-topic but it was on my mind and I wanted to get more into the "document the hell out of the project" mode.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
the invisible hand of roger
what we are doing, in my view, has been nurtured by roger burton. he has "held" the aspirations in a way that helps us all believe in the impossible. i have somehow forgotten this along the way and forgotten to be grateful.
the way i remembered is in seeing bill here. i expected bill to be a kind of hero. what i saw instead was the surgical-like precision and insight of roger. of course, roger has brought himself into our system for two years now, so he has a deeper base of experiential knowledge from which he can draw.
there is something very spiritual and other-worldly that must happen when an initiative is coming into being. someone has to "hold" this possibility in a disciplined way. it is a practice of constantly returning to "why" we're doing this.
i can see that roger has been invisibly holding this part of the initaitive...probably kind of alone.
i have been rather caught up in the drama of my own life. i began an experiment in healing about a year and a half ago and i'm a bit in the thick of it. i feel that i've allowed myself to be irresponsible while i've been narcissistically attending to my "self." but this has left roger alone and i can see it now.
today i am setting my mind on the task of returning to the discipline of holding our aspirations.
Friday, October 21, 2011
the "help" we are getting from our colleagues
slow him down from what, we don't know....from going ahead in all the technical classes, perhaps. he is perfectly eligible, but would find himself taking History, instead of the next Physics class, which would be a year ahead of what he would normally be taking at this point in his college education.
this is the kind of thing that we are suffering now...the risk aversion of the faculty being translated into advice "not to participate", without any substantive reasons. students can progress toward their degrees without any loss of time, but somehow we find our colleagues manipulating these unsuspecting students with their own biases and fears.
UPDATE: I realized I need to ask the person who is doing the advising if we are missing something. I can see that I'm exhibiting the same kind of knee-jerk reaction that is irritating me in others. I just found out from the person who did the advising had a complete misconception of what it was that we were doing, what classes he could take and so on. I wonder how many other times we act as experts only to really mis-inform those who have sought our opinion. Almost always, the student is the loser in our irresponsible "expertise." I am making a commitment to be more aware of not knowing.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The cost of our Silos
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
oh, the occupational hazards of being an engineer...
- they don't understand it;
- it's new;
- the application process is cumbersome;
- they are not seeing how courses can be rearranged.
the lesson learned: Never, never, never, let an engineer work on something alone when the something must be used by humans.
Prodded/Prodding to Write
I find myself in many different situations doing a lot of self-censorship. I often find that in my own department I have become this node of sustainability -- not necessarily in a positive sense but, maybe, in a knee-jerk sense. I bring up issues of sustainability but with this expectation that it will cause a bit of eye-rolling and, often, I caricature myself in the process (as those who know me, I don't usually pass on opportunities to be a little funny). In retrospect, this is me holding back a bit, not wanting to be seen as overly tedious or tendentious. This feeling has also kept me from pushing SUSTAIN with my own department's students as much as I should (which I am beginning to correct). Bill Torbert commented that this recognition of what we do in the face of power and the changes that we make as a result can change that power dynamic. I think Linda commented that it is not that the people in position have inherent power but that we tend to give it to them and that when we recognize it and remove that power that we somehow convinced ourselves to give the people in those positions, we are in fact giving ourselves back the power.
It was a great evening last night, in spite of the exhaustion and headaches that many/all were experiencing. A cleansing laugh, some honest evaluation of where we are at and, best of all, a continuing sense of community.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
notes on the field tests with physics
one of his observations was that this performance is higher than the historical average!
he has almost entirely shifted to group learning. he discovered that his lecturing was preventing the very thing that he wanted: stronger classroom relationships, where peers were functioning as thought partners. Now, they'd rather work with one another than listen and watch him do problems.
but i have to say that pete is an entertaining showman around demonstrations!
what is amazing about the on-line tools is that we can get immediate feedback on the students' behavior around the homework. For example, we can see when people are investing time. What this shows is that half the class did not invest in the homework:
We can look at trends, to see whether there are increased or decreased investment in the work. So we can use this information to adust the assignments.
We've attempted to make this public to the class and the students have said that they really appreciate the care that is going in to meeting their learning needs.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
A student voice
my name is Garrett Schwanke and I'm a first year mechanical engineer.
1) I come from a high school that put a strong emphasis on group learning which had obvious benefits for me and my classmates. Apart from this program making me feel at home with group work, I want to see more students succeed from teaching and being taught by their peers.
2) In our meetings I've tried to serve as the freshman voice, sharing fears, questions and interests that I hear from my classmates with the Sustain team. Besides that, yesterday I presented to a class of 25 freshmen, informing them about the program and events we are holding (this happened to be coms class and they probably criticized the shit out of my speech). And sometimes I can actually offer an idea that we end up implementing, like formats for learning what classes freshmen want to take with us, or revisions to an email that gets sent to a few hundred mustangs.
3) I've already gained some invaluable connections with professors and team members, and I've learned a load about problem solving at team meetings. But I expect to improve my speaking skills, Improve my leadership, construct something that will have a lasting effect in SLO, network more, and build a resume.
4) I am most excited about the idea that our students can use their skills and expertise for more than just busy work on tests, but rather use them to benefit the community. Our brains are more valuable than we give ourselves credit for..Usually.
Bill Torbert

I am so excited to spend time with Bill Torbert. He is an expert in organizational change and development, but mostly he is one of the nicest men I know. He arrives on Saturday and will be with us until Wednesday.
Advisor meeting
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Another day
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Once again, onward!
This is going to read like a police log. It is for the sake of posterity.
Monday, September 26, 2011
The field test from physics
- Prior to the quarter, we need to have students test our on-line materials to ensure that they are functioning as we had expected;
- We need a clear structure in place prior to the start so that students can figure out how to navigate through the material.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Volatility...can we ride it out?
Roger suggests that we are likely to increasingly encounter repeated roadblocks to the actual start of our small little experiment. We are genuinetly intervening in a collapsing system.
The Project fair...a ray of hope
We spent three hours talking to students who were walking by. We also talked to many honors students who were sent our way by Tom Trice.
As the crowd filled up, I had great difficulty taking pictures of anything but peoples' backs.
I was pleased to learn that although many students knew nothing about SUSTAIN, they were interested in volunteer opportunities with the agencies. This was a win-win situation for some of the groups who really wanted student help to advance their activities.
In the morning, the faculty were milling about, looking for potential projects to adopt for their classes.
Again, this seemed to be a positive outcome.
It was very inspiring to learn of the students' interest and their experience! Many of these young people are coming to us, having already accomplished a number of things, including things like designing and building energy capture systems.
The students always remind me of the value in what we are doing.
Monday, September 19, 2011
The pinata has burst!
I have to admit that what we have done over the past year with SUSTAIN has not been a whole lot different from the process of breaking a pinata!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Recruiting (not quite the right word - maybe Inviting)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
the calm before the storm...and confessions of the squall-ble
Liz was entirely too politic (my assertion) in her last entry. I was violent during Liz's half-hour meeting with the Associate Vice Provost and we now have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Provost to essentially "call the question" of whether the "university" is going to direct its institutional divisions to support the SUSTAIN learning initiative or whether we need to send the money back to the National Science Foundation.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
systemic and interpersonal
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Our office
SUSTAIN-SLO has an office! I use "office" very loosely. It is a 10 by 8 foot room on the fourth floor of the library. Linda had the very bright idea of it not looking like an office at all...which it does not. Imagine this: white boards on two walls (floor to ceiling), butcher paper and large post-its on one wall and a window on the last. A small table with five small stools (think pre-school) and a thrift store orange naugahyde chair. I hope to post a picture here too.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The road to hell is paved with good intentions....
Now, the saying occurs to me more as a statement of reality...that by actually acting with good intentions, your journey will be hellacious! This is a perfect description of what we seem to be encountering at Cal Poly as we attempt to "do good."
Friday, July 29, 2011
Lunching together
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Students Learning About Learning
As I recall, the idea is for us to have a 2-unit class to provide some additional direction to students in our department/major to help ensure that the SUSTAIN experience is linked back to the major curriculum. In do some reading about learning portfolios ( Zubizarreta, John and Barbara J. Millis
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Walking in a students' shoes--physics
So, this summer, I am attempting to re-learn physics as if I were a student in SUSTAIN-using open education resources. Here, I record some of my thoughts of this experience. First, I should point out that I have every advantage in (re-)learning physics:
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Chance's thoughts
Colleen's thoughts
Bringing up the rear
On to the questions:
Friday, June 24, 2011
Reflecting: Neal/laeN
1. What worked? What would you celebrate?
In general, I always celebrate the learning that I have undergone (and continue to undergo) as I continue participating in the SUSTAIN project. The ability of a disparate group of faculty to convene on a regular basis to talk about something very risky and poorly understood demonstrates a commitment to try new things and even learn. Much of this learning has been painful given the seeming misunderstanding that often seems to happen but I even celebrate that.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Research basis of the SUSTAIN initiative
Download the file here: (To download page)
Recreating the experience of English...
What is it like to teach a "service course" at a polytechnic university?
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I'm too wordy for a "comment"
Further reflections: Kathryn
Pete's posting
In the words of Pete (verbatim):
When I said that I want to start over, I really meant it. I mean, we can’t go back to March, and we have other plans for summer, but I can’t go forward as if this meeting never happened, and I don’t agree with Linda’s “we’re finished”. I’m not finished. I have a relationship with Kathryn and English that needs attention. This wounded conflict is underpinning what we’re trying to do. Furthermore, it also represents the foundation of what we stand for – that is working together in trust. We can list a number of things that need to be done such as setting a schedule and recruiting freshmen, and I agree that this needs to be done. However, the fact that English and possibly Math don’t trust us is an ongoing discussion that I feel compelled to continue. Questions for Kathryn, Ginger, English, anyone else. Do you want to trust Engineering, other departments? Do you want to work on this? What would you like to see happen? Is there any structure that could be put in place that would help this? What metrics could we use to measure progress? Did you like the idea of a writing requirement for a physics lab? I am concerned that isolating English in the curriculum will identify it as something less important – do you have this concern? What could we do about it? Could we aim fall quarter to reassess where we are for Spring Quarter to consider if English and/or Math would like to (not be willing to, but would like to) join the “flock”?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Samuel's Reflection
I want to make sure you all know the status of our recruiting efforts. As I talk to people around campus and they are so open to help us spread the word, I am beginning to feel like this may actually happen. Below are a couple balls that are rolling....
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I need a new phrase
John's reflection
Kathryn's reflection
Monday, June 13, 2011
Reflecting: Ginger
Friday, June 10, 2011
My after action review: Vanasupa
- I celebrate knowing my colleagues better;
Liz's reflection
Blog Requests to serve future collaborators
I am requesting that each person, before June 30, complete their own blog entry to enable the future success of other collaborations.
1. What worked? What would you celebrate?
2. What is missing or yet to be done in order for the 100-student freshman iniative to be successful?
3. What are your reflections on our last day's conversation?
4. What did you learn? Was there anything valuable?
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Pete's offer
Pete and I met today and he put forth a beautiful offer to collaborate on teaching physics. This is a brave move for him for lots of reasons, not the least of which is that there is a way in which I "set him off." This is kind of a mutual dynamic and we both acknowledged that if we were to work more closely together, we would have to work through this.
Strokes of brilliance...
I need to archive what I believe are the strokes of brilliance from our last meeting.
First, you must know that Liz, like me and Neal, have been thinking all along that we couldn't teaching any of the courses that we've been consider.
At one point, Liz said, "We've been been thinking all along of what we can't teach. Maybe we're approaching this all wrong. We should be thinking of what we CAN teach..."
A gigantic ball of irritation...
I'm afraid of writing all these things because anyone who is participating in the faculty group could read these thoughts and imagine that I'm making some cloaked personal attack in these words. It is not at all my intent. (I'm not sure this is a comfort, but when I personally attack someone, it is most certainly direct and there is no mistaking it for anything else.)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
"Any real change implies the break up of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one identity, the end of safety. And at such a moment - unable to see and not daring to imagine what the future will now bring forth - one clings to what one knew or thought one knew, to what one possessed or dreamed that one possessed. Yet it is only when man is able, without bitterness or self-pity, to surrender a dream he has long cherished, or a privilege he has long possessed, that he is set free - that he has set himself free for higher dreams, for greater privileges."
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
How it might work...
I have to say that this process of working with one another is really fun for me...getting to see what others are thinking, how they are thinking...this is really what I thought university life would be like when I came to Cal Poly 20 years ago. I'm glad I'm finally learning together.
Monday, May 23, 2011
A need for structure
Statistics Narrative
Friday, May 20, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Life lessons from completing a 1000-piece puzzle
I had the occasion to complete a 1000-piece puzzle a couple of weeks ago. I don't do this very often, probably because I don't very often have a major surgery that renders me incapable of doing anything but sitting and staring at little pieces of cardboard. In any case, I learned so much from this activity that applies to the puzzle that we find ourselves trying to complete together:
Friday, May 6, 2011
At a distance
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
While we conducted the exercise using my suggested organization, I was not happy unable to simultaneously identify topics that overlapped as both collaborative/projects and independent/independent. I suggested that we consider alternative methods to visually identify natural groupings. The group suggested several alternatives, and Roger asked the group to investigate alternative organizations.
I like doing research. I don't mind sorting through 75 abstracts to find 2-4 papers that are tacitly related to the perceived topic area. In the end, I found two experimental papers loosely related to what I was looking for. Each paper contained examples of different SBB organizational structures, including one that Chance had suggested!