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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our office

SUSTAIN-SLO has an office! I use "office" very loosely. It is a 10 by 8 foot room on the fourth floor of the library. Linda had the very bright idea of it not looking like an office at all...which it does not. Imagine this: white boards on two walls (floor to ceiling), butcher paper and large post-its on one wall and a window on the last. A small table with five small stools (think pre-school) and a thrift store orange naugahyde chair. I hope to post a picture here too.

It has been very helpful for us to get everything out of our heads and onto the white board, but I have to admit that Linda and I do get quite anxious when we see all that needs to be done in a short time. We both are fighting to not be "heroic" in our attempts to make something happen.
Both of us are very good at "doing." I even teach project management classes, with Work Breakdown structures and gantt charts in my head it is difficult to have a different disposition. This is where Roger has been invaluable. He has taught me to hold the intent of SUSTAIN-SLO and then notice how that is happening. This might seem foreign to some, it does to me, but it is really very useful when all the details seem overwhelming.
I hope some of you can come to visit us now that we have a physical location. I forgot to mention how lovely our the Kennedy Library is. It is really the center of the academics on campus. Students spend hours studying together and sharing a coffee. We feel very lucky to be welcomed so nicely into that building.

1 comment:

  1. Hi liz, this is sweet to see this picture here. You are always so honest and authentic with your thoughts! You've inspired me to write an entry of my own about the process.
